Treating - Preventing Golf Injuries

Golf is a sport that requires skill and athleticism, but it can also put a significant amount of stress on the body. At Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists (ORS), we specialize in treating golfers with physical therapy to address common golf-related injuries such as golfers' elbow, golfers' back, and other golf-related issues. Our goal is to help golfers recover from injuries, alleviate pain, and get back to playing the game they love.

Common Golf Injuries

Golfers are at a high risk of developing injuries, particularly in the back, shoulders, and wrists. Some of the most common types of golf injuries include:

  • Back pain
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Golfer's elbow

These injuries can be caused by factors such as poor swing mechanics, overuse, and muscle imbalances. It is essential for golfers experiencing pain or discomfort to seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent further injury.

Treating Golf Injuries at ORS

At ORS, our physical therapists utilize a multi-faceted approach to treating golf injuries. After a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) assessment, we develop personalized treatment plans that address mobility and stability weaknesses, aiming to restore a pain-free golf swing. We use the TPI Body-Swing Assessment to evaluate player swing characteristics that may be causing pain during play and impeding performance.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Golfers

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in treating and preventing golf-related injuries. By working with ORS physical therapists, golfers can experience the following benefits:

  • Identification of underlying causes of pain
  • Improved strength, flexibility, and posture through targeted exercises
  • Reduction of pain and inflammation through various techniques
  • Enhanced swing mechanics to reduce stress on the body
  • Prevention of future injuries through regular assessments and interventions

ORS physical therapists empower golfers to move their bodies in a more efficient and effective way, improving their overall game and reducing the risk of injury. By addressing injuries promptly and implementing preventive measures, golfers can continue enjoying the game pain-free for years to come.


Call ORS: 877-202-2175
Fax: 517-990-6221

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