Patient’s Rights

We at Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists, PC would like to thank you for the opportunity to provide care to you and your family. We want to encourage you to speak openly with your physical therapy team, take part in your treatment choices and promote your own safety by being well-informed and involved in your care. We want you to think of yourself as a partner in your care. We will devote our time and effort to ensure that you experience the quality physical therapy you deserve!

As a patient, you have the right to:

• Be greeted and treated with care in a courteous, confidential, and dignified manner.
• Be assigned to the appropriately educated, trained and skilled individual without regard to race, color, creed, gender, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, health status, veteran status, age.
• Expect that all care will be delivered by or under the supervision of a Therapist and that the identity of the individuals delivering care will be readily available.
• Be serviced in a facility that is fully compliant with federal, state and local regulations.
• Be given information regarding your care or potential care in a timely manner and in a way in which you can understand, the procedure(s), the purpose, the probable outcomes, the alternatives and the risks and benefits associated with recommended care or the lack of it.
• Be given the opportunity to participate in your care and care decisions including declining part or all of the Plan of Care.
• Expect that your diagnosis, prognosis, past history, treatment, clinical records, and other associated documents, paper or electronic will be handled in a confidential manner per HIPAA and state regulations, whichever is more protective.
• Be given a copy and expect full facility compliance with the Privacy Practices Notice.
• Be treated in an environment that is safe and accessible to the fullest extent of the law.
• Be duly and timely informed of any financial responsibilities that you will have as a result of rehabilitative, educational, or injury prevention intervention.
• Request and receive an itemized statement for all services delivered, regardless of payer source.
• Be given a copy of these rights, upon request, and minimally be assured that Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists, PC, as a measure of commitment, will maintain a posted copy of the “Patient Rights” in a prominent public access place within the facility.

As a patient, you have the responsibility to:

• Give complete, accurate and timely medical, personal demographic, and payer information to Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists, PC. This includes notification of therapy services received elsewhere, new insurance cards, or existence of a liability, auto, or workers compensation claim.

• Comply with the rehabilitative Plan of Care (in a collaborative decision-making manner) to the best of your ability which includes, but is not limited to, following home programs/instructions, punctually attending scheduled treatment sessions, and adhering to known precautions and limitations.

• Advise your therapist when rehabilitative goals or treatment approaches require modification secondary to external complicating factors including, but not limited to, physical or mental health, family, work or religious conflicts or commitments.

• Adhere to obvious conduct guidelines while at Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists, PC, including, but not limited to, courteous interaction with staff, other patients/clients, and visitors, conscientious personal hygiene and modesty, and respect for treatment and clinical record confidentiality for
self and others.

• Provide objective complaint notification to the CEO, the Clinical Director, the Compliance Officer, or the Office Manager as well as the Licensing Board(s), if indicated.