Hip Pain and Lower Back Pain

hip pain and bursitis treatments

Comprehensive Hip Pain Assessment

Our expert ORS Physical Therapists begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your hip pain. We take into account your medical history, lifestyle, and specific symptoms to create a personalized treatment plan.

Hip Pain and Lower Back Pain

Hip pain and back pain often share a close relationship, as dysfunction in one area can contribute to discomfort in the other. The hip and spine are intricately connected through the musculoskeletal system, and issues such as muscle imbalances, poor posture, or structural abnormalities can cause a ripple effect. For example, hip arthritis may alter gait, leading to back strain. Conversely, lumbar spine problems can refer pain to the hip region. Proper diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment, which may involve addressing both hip and back issues simultaneously through a combination of physical therapy, exercise, and, in some cases, medical interventions.

Hip Pain and Sciatica

Distinguishing between hip pain and sciatica involves careful assessment. Hip pain often presents in the groin or outer hip, while sciatica radiates down the leg due to compressed spinal nerves. Diagnostic tools, including physical exams and imaging, aid in pinpointing the origin. Accurate identification ensures tailored and effective treatment approaches.

Hip Pain and Muscle Pain

Distinguishing between hip pain and muscle pain is vital for targeted treatment. Hip pain originates from the joint and may radiate to the groin, buttocks, or thigh. Muscle pain, however, arises from soft tissues and tends to localize in specific muscle groups. Accurate diagnosis guides appropriate interventions, such as physical therapy or pain management.

Hip Pain While Walking

Hip pain while walking can stem from various causes, including arthritis, muscle imbalances, or structural issues. Increased pressure on the hip joint during walking exacerbates discomfort. Strains, bursitis, or ligament issues may contribute. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for developing targeted interventions, which may involve physical therapy, medications, or lifestyle adjustments.

Hip Pain While Jogging

If experiencing hip pain while jogging, consider adjusting your running technique, ensuring proper footwear, and incorporating hip-strengthening exercises. Gradual warm-ups and cool-downs, along with adequate rest, are crucial. Persistent pain warrants professional evaluation to identify underlying issues and determine a tailored treatment plan for continued safe and enjoyable jogging.

Hip pain while pregnant

Hip pain while pregnant is common due to hormonal changes, weight gain, and altered posture. The body produces hormones that loosen ligaments, affecting hip stability. Pressure on the sciatic nerve can also contribute. Exercise, prenatal yoga, and proper body support can help alleviate discomfort, but consultation with healthcare providers is advised

Hip Pain while Sleeping

Hip pain while sleeping can result from various causes, including arthritis, bursitis, or muscle tightness. Poor sleep posture, such as lying on one side for extended periods, may exacerbate discomfort. Addressing underlying issues through proper sleeping positions, supportive mattresses, and targeted exercises can help alleviate nocturnal hip pain.

Pain Management

At all of our Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists clinics, we put focus on hip pain relief, using various techniques to alleviate discomfort, including manual therapy, ice/heat applications, and gentle exercises to improve hip mobility and reduce pain.


Call ORS: 877-202-2175
Fax: 517-990-6221

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